You're Only As Good As Your Timeblock
Let's talk timeblocking. What is it and what can it do for your business?
The skill (yes, it's a skill) of timeblocking is simple. It's creating a schedule... one that you stick to. Sticking to it is the tricky part!
Here's why it's important:
You plan a trip, right? You plan a picnic, right? You plan dinner, right? You plan what you're going to wear out on Friday night! Why are you not planning your business? I'll give you the bottom line: If you aren't timeblocking-get out of the business. Too harsh? Well, I'm not here to sugar coat it. This is your life we're talking about, let's get serious and on purpose about it.
So, how do we go about it? I'll give you some pointers on what works.
First: Get a calendar. I recommend google or outlook... anything that you can enter recurring events into. Recurring events are those that happen over and over every week. If you are doing a handwritten one it's time to get out of your comfort zone. YES... Put the "Day Planner" down.
Next: Jot down events that happen for you every week religiously. Examples would be; church, pick up kids from school, lead generation, open house, exercise, American Idol, update social media, coaching appointment, office meetings, DAYS OFF, etc.
Now: Enter these events into your calendar as a recurrence with no end date. You can color code if you want. Don't get frustrated if you're having challenges. You'll figure it out, you're a smart one!
Now: You've GOT TO follow it. In other words, if your calendar says you're lead generating from 9-11am and you get a call from a Buyer who wants to look at 10am... what is your answer? Yea, it can get tough. Remember this, if you let clients run your timeblock or your schedule, you let them run your business. And who do you think cares more about YOUR business??? OK.
You know what to do.